Why Literature Still Matters, 2nd Ed.


In the second edition of his wide-ranging and accessible work, Jason M. Baxter puts our contemporary culture in conversation with literature and its “sister arts” to make the compelling—and sometimes chilling—case not just for the relevance but urgency of the humane tradition as we enter our “digital apocalypse.” Baxter draws on his areas of expertise, Dante and C.S. Lewis; his background in teaching the great books, art history, and music history; as well as his own travel literature to give his readers an almost sensuous feeling for what the alternative to our tech-obsessed culture is.

SKU: 978-1-965520-00-0-1 Categories: ,


About Dr. Jason Baxter

“It may well be our Abolition of Man.” – Dr. Anne Phillips

“Why Literature Still Matters is slim, less than one-hundred pages, but it has the kind of passion, joy, and amplitude needed to awaken us from what C. S. Lewis, in The Abolition of Man, identified as ‘the slumber of cold vulgarity.'” – Louis Markos

Dr. Jason M. Baxter is a speaker, author, and college professor. He writes on the relevance of medieval beauty, especially, as it relates to Dante and C.S. Lewis. Dr. Baxter is now the Director for the Center for Beauty and Culture, at Benedictine College, where he oversees a program for bright college students who have a heart for the holiness of beauty (Angelico Fellows).

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Weight 0.25 lbs
Dimensions 5.5 × 0.25 × 8.5 in

Paperback, eBook


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